"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."

Toni Morrison


Award-winning author of historical and fact-based fiction.


I grew up in a middle-class household in Manhasset, New York, in a family where reading was very important. My mother taught me to read at an early age, and I was reading historical fiction in grammar school. For hours, I would timetravel to the land of Caribbean pirates, Indian raiding parties, and French sword fights. In the seventh grade, I began writing my first historical novel. To this day, I am still hooked on historical fiction, and it is my primary writing interest..


In college, I majored in English literature, with unofficial minors in European history and Greek literature. After I was graduated, I went to work in a New York advertising agency, not copywriting as you might guess, but pushing numbers around to tell businesses where to spend their money. I was good at it, but it was mostly unsatisfying work. Eventually, I moved to California and became a freelance journalist and magazine editor. I also learned to write good fiction, ultimately well researched historical fiction..



The Girl From The Lighthouse was a "couldn't put it down" story!! Loved the fictional characters mixed with the historical well known figures. ...

Henry Vasey

... [the] story will captivate you and through Willard Thompson's vivid description of characters, places, and plot, makes it difficult to put down. You will come away definitely entertained, educated and refreshed in this time in history and thoroughly transported back in time. ...

Susan Skenderianp

A beautifully written and well told story...

Josie Durand

‘To live is to be separated from what we were in order to approach what we are going to be in the mysterious future.’